Lower back pain

Pain in the lower

If it hurts on the lower back, so this fact may suggest that there are a variety of ailments. However, not everyone is aware of the fact that such manifestations are not always the result of disorders or injuries to the spine. In order not to cause harm to the body, the wrong interpretation of symptoms, and choosing an incorrect treatment is to identify the exact cause of the pain.

Why pain in the lower back

In most cases, the pain syndrome, localized directly on the lower back in connection with the condition of the spine. According to medical statistics, most often the emergence of pain-causing diseases, such as inflammatory disease, which contributes to limited spine mobility and low back pain. Also, the "primary" factors include a variety of dystrophic and degenerative changes in the spine. In addition, the following reasons are often causes discomfort and pain in the lower back:

  • as a result of kidney disease and the pelvic organs and diseases of a contagious nature;
  • atypical appendicitis in the acute form, and various gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcers and intestinal blockage;
  • defects of the spine blood circulation, which are often as a result of strokes;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • long-term stay in one position and chronic hypothermia;
  • if a person falls on his back;
  • fractures and spinal injuries.
 Why pain in the lower back

The pain, localized in the lower back during pregnancy is not commonly associated with mechanical injuries of the spine. Because of the excessive load of the individual segments of the spine (which is especially important for late timing), they are "bend" and cause the patient serious discomfort.

Urinary and genital diseases, changing hormone levels, chronic stress, continuous muscle tension throughout the working day, as well as a hernia between vertebrae in the same way can be the causes of pain in the lower back.

How to determine the exact cause of low back pain

Lower back pain on the right side, which is acute, most often associated with persistent disorders of posture and prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position. In some cases pain, localized in area, may indicate that the displacement of the vertebrae discs. In addition, such symptoms are often associated with overweight, obesity, and disorders, gastro-intestinal tract.

If it hurts the lower back on the left, it often indicates a serious pathological processes occurring in the body of the patient. This fact may indicate the presence of tuberculosis, degenerative disc disease is a chronic form, or curvature of the spine. Such pain syndrome is also associated with the following ailments:

  • angina pectoris;
  • a severe form of acute pneumonia;
  • heart attack;
  • kidney stones.

Women's symptoms of pain in the lower back is generally divided into two categories:

  1. Dragging pain, accompanied by acute sensation and can cause discomfort for a long period of time, often indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in internal organs, tendons and tissues.
  2. Sudden worsening severe pain requires immediate medical treatment. This problem is often associated with open, internal bleeding, ruptured organs or peritonitis.

If a woman has back pain and lower abdomen at the same time, this fact often indicates an ectopic pregnancy. Severe pain, accompanied by dizziness and nausea, one can speak of a stroke (rupture) of the ovary. Pain in the lumbar region commonly manifests as chronic severe pain, worse after a long stay in an uncomfortable position or high physical loads. If the pain radiates to the leg, need urgent diagnosis, since it may be a sign between the vertebrae hernia.

Hormonal changes, swelling and inflammation directly in the urogenital system, can cause pain in the lower back area after a month. The uterus in such a case, often backward, which causes compression of the nerve endings and cause serious discomfort.

Can from back ache in the lower abdomen

Such symptoms characteristic of cystitis in the acute form, and some other diseases related to the urine pipe system. This problem commonly affects the female population, but its cause can also hide problems with the intestines, adnexitis, or ovarian cysts. Similar to the pain syndrome often seen with menopause because the body stops producing certain hormones in the required quantity.

Can from back ache in the lower abdomen
Important! Reception of medicines against pain are only able to stop the manifestations of pain syndrome. However, such a move will not help the task to get rid of the cause discomfort.

Other reasons

Many people experience pain localized in the lower back after a workout or intense exercise. The primary risk are people who engage in contact sports and various martial arts. Plenty of throws, sudden movements and bad fall often leads to disruption of the functioning of the spine and other damages. If the pain increases significantly immediately after workout should take a break and book a meeting with a competent doctor.

If the lower back starts to hurt after a workout with a barbell, the reason may be the following factors:

  1. Wrong position of the lower back. Some novice athletes, who seek to take more weight too often bend the back, which causes displacement of the vertebrae and several other adverse consequences.
  2. Incorrect grip. This is why athletes, who do not have the proper experience, it is recommended to use the classic grip, or you can use special straps.
  3. Sharp jerks. All the movements during the exercise weights and other sports equipment should try to make it as smooth as possible.
 Other reasons
Important! Before you start doing exercises with a barbell, it is best to strengthen the muscles of the lower back exercises for lower back and other body weight.

Men pain, localized in the lower back, often associated with sedentary work, such as the driver or the operator of the PC. However, the discomfort and pain affects not only the lack of physical activity, but also increased physical activity without adequate rest. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the optimal balance, alternating between activities for complete relaxation.

What to do pain in the lower back

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the pain. Install the most accurate diagnosis is to visit the following doctors:

  • therapist;
  • gynecologist;
  • proctologist;
  • urologist;
  • therapist respiratory;
  • cardiologist;
  • the doctor treating the injury and after the injury syndrome;
  • a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases;
  • the gastroenterologist.

If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen and radiating to the back associated with it can be with menopause and the effects of stress and is transferred to neurological disorders. In such cases, the pain syndrome is commonly accompanied by irritability and mood issues. If the pain in the lower abdomen and back at the same time, men, it is likely to signal the presence of inflammation of the urogenital region in the chronic stage.

 What to do

If the occurrence of pain on walking, localized to the lower back, is to take the General biochemical analyses, as well as undergo MRI diagnostics. Based on the results of the study, as well as complaints of the patient and visual examination, the treating physician should prescribe the most appropriate treatment, which is used for pharmaceutical preparations and methods of manual therapy.

Important! Pain in this area of the back, which occurs when the massage can be quite a normal consequence of rush of blood to the waist Department. However, in the event that the discomfort and the pain does not subside within a short period of time, definitely should consult a qualified doctor.

Than spread the problem in case of exacerbation of pain syndrome? Generally in such situations it is assigned to combined anti-inflammatory creams and lotions. If the patient does not suffer from allergic reactions to bee products, it can be determined for products containing bee venom.

 How to get rid of the pain

How to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms? First, you need to keep track of your posture throughout the working day. It is also worth to pay special attention to regularly perform exercises, physical therapy and stick to your diet, including:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • natural plant oils;
  • eating bananas, garlic, dried fruits, spinach and other products;

The diet should be accompanied by a waiver of coffee, alcohol, strong tea, and fatty, fried and smoked food. What preventive measures include a swimming pool, and a daily walk in the fresh air.